
POST webapi/root/SiteObjects?siteName={siteName}&templateName={templateName}&isEntireSitePublic={isEntireSitePublic}&requiresRegistration={requiresRegistration}&adminUserName={adminUserName}&adminEmail={adminEmail}&adminPassword={adminPassword}

Creates a single Site with its Admin user. Returns created Site object.

GET webapi/root/SiteObjects?siteName={siteName}&categoryName={categoryName}

Gets average rating for given Site object represented by its unique name.

GET webapi/root/SiteObjects?userOrEmail={userOrEmail}

Retrieves Site names matching given user name or email.

POST api/SiteObjects/CreateSite?siteName={siteName}&templateName={templateName}&isEntireSitePublic={isEntireSitePublic}&requiresRegistration={requiresRegistration}&adminUserName={adminUserName}&adminEmail={adminEmail}&adminPassword={adminPassword}

Creates a single Site with its Admin user. Returns created Site object.

GET api/SiteObjects/GetAverageRating?siteName={siteName}&categoryName={categoryName}

Gets average rating for given Site object represented by its unique name.

GET api/SiteObjects/GetForUserOrEmail?userOrEmail={userOrEmail}

Retrieves Site names matching given user name or email.


GET webapi/root/Forms

Gets currently used Form for a Site. Scope Site.Name:{SiteName} must be granted to retrieve the information (in other words - Form can only be retrieved within the scope of a single Site).

POST webapi/root/Forms

Submits form results to the Site's current form. Scope Site.Name:{SiteName} must be granted to retrieve the information (in other words - results can only be submitted within the scope of a single Site).

POST webapi/root/Forms?formResultsID={formResultsID}

Links FormResults with Media. Skips Media that did not exist.

GET webapi/root/Forms?formResultsIDs[0]={formResultsIDs[0]}&formResultsIDs[1]={formResultsIDs[1]}

Retrieves a list of FormResults by their IDs.

GET api/Forms/GetCurrent

Gets currently used Form for a Site. Scope Site.Name:{SiteName} must be granted to retrieve the information (in other words - Form can only be retrieved within the scope of a single Site).

POST api/Forms/SubmitResults

Submits form results to the Site's current form. Scope Site.Name:{SiteName} must be granted to retrieve the information (in other words - results can only be submitted within the scope of a single Site).

POST api/Forms/LinkFormResultsWithMedia?formResultsID={formResultsID}

Links FormResults with Media. Skips Media that did not exist.

GET api/Forms/Results?formResultsIDs[0]={formResultsIDs[0]}&formResultsIDs[1]={formResultsIDs[1]}

Retrieves a list of FormResults by their IDs.


GET webapi/root/Settings

Gets all eligible engine settings with their values.

GET api/Settings/GetAll

Gets all eligible engine settings with their values.


POST webapi/root/Notifications?notificationSerial={notificationSerial}&notificationRecipient={notificationRecipient}&userID={userID}&appointmentID={appointmentID}

Sends a single Notification via email. Uses "~/App_Data/Notifications/(Notification.Serial)[.source][.culture].xml" as template where [.source] and [.culture] are optional. Valid Site context must exist for SiteAdmin and RegularSiteUsers recipients to be used. Valid Site context exists when an Access Token is created with User context (Resource Owner, Authorization Code, Implicit grants).

POST api/Notifications/SendNotification?notificationSerial={notificationSerial}&notificationRecipient={notificationRecipient}&userID={userID}&appointmentID={appointmentID}

Sends a single Notification via email. Uses "~/App_Data/Notifications/(Notification.Serial)[.source][.culture].xml" as template where [.source] and [.culture] are optional. Valid Site context must exist for SiteAdmin and RegularSiteUsers recipients to be used. Valid Site context exists when an Access Token is created with User context (Resource Owner, Authorization Code, Implicit grants).


GET webapi/root/TemplateObjects

Gets all available Site Templates.

GET api/TemplateObjects/GetAllTemplates

Gets all available Site Templates.


GET webapi/root/ObjectJobs?objectID={objectID}&objectTypeName={objectTypeName}

Gets the state of the job for a particular object.

GET api/ObjectJobs/GetJobState?objectID={objectID}&objectTypeName={objectTypeName}

Gets the state of the job for a particular object.


POST webapi/root/Ping

No documentation available.

POST api/Ping/Receive

No documentation available.


GET webapi/root/SliderObjects?excludeTemplateSlider={excludeTemplateSlider}&excludeDefaultSlider={excludeDefaultSlider}

Gets current Slide for a Site.

GET api/SliderObjects/GetCurrent?excludeTemplateSlider={excludeTemplateSlider}&excludeDefaultSlider={excludeDefaultSlider}

Gets current Slide for a Site.


GET webapi/root/RootSite

Gets current Terms of Service defined for root site.

GET api/RootSite/GetTermsOfService

Gets current Terms of Service defined for root site.


GET webapi/root/MediaObjects?mediaID={mediaID}

Gets average rating for given Media object represented by its unique mediaID.

GET webapi/root/MediaObjects?top={top}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&siteName={siteName}

Gets top rated Media objects. Note: Ratings ara cached and refereshed once a day.

POST api/MediaObjects/UploadAudio

Allows to upload single or multiple audio files (".mp3", ".wav", ".oga", ".3gpp") into chosen folder/category.

POST api/MediaObjects/UploadPhotos

Allows to upload single or multiple photo files (.jpg, .gif, .png, .zip) into chosen folder/category.

POST api/MediaObjects/UploadVideos

Allows to upload single or multiple video files (.mp4, .m4v, .ogg, .ogv, .webm, .wmv, .mov) into chosen folder/category.

GET api/MediaObjects/GetAverageRating?mediaID={mediaID}

Gets average rating for given Media object represented by its unique mediaID.

GET api/MediaObjects/GetTopRatedMedia?top={top}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&siteName={siteName}

Gets top rated Media objects. Note: Ratings ara cached and refereshed once a day.


POST webapi/root/UserHelper?userNameOrEmail={userNameOrEmail}&siteName={siteName}

Sends an email that helps to recover forgotten password.

POST api/UserHelper/SendForgottenPasswordEmail?userNameOrEmail={userNameOrEmail}&siteName={siteName}

Sends an email that helps to recover forgotten password.


GET api/Feedback/GetMediaFeedback

Gets a collection of MediaFeedback objects representing feedback left for Media (photos, audio, videos). Scope Site.Name:{SiteName} must be granted to retrieve the information (in other words - MediaFeedback can only be retrieved within the scope of a single Site). Supports query options like: $filter, $orderby, $select, $skip and $top.

GET api/Feedback/GetBlogPostFeedback

Gets a collection of BlogPostFeedback objects representing feedback left for Blog posts. Scope Site.Name:{SiteName} must be granted to retrieve the information (in other words - BlogPostFeedback can only be retrieved within the scope of a single Site). Supports query options like: $filter, $orderby, $select, $skip and $top.

GET api/Feedback/GetClassifiedFeedback

Gets a collection of ClassifiedFeedback objects representing feedback left for posted Classified. Scope Site.Name:{SiteName} must be granted to retrieve the information (in other words - ClassifiedFeedback can only be retrieved within the scope of a single Site). Supports query options like: $filter, $orderby, $select, $skip and $top.